Author: dancer111

Blog Post #3

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

Universal Design for Learning, also known as UDL, is a framework that supports inclusion, Ā and creating accessible learning for all students.

This framework helps to create a more inclusive learning environment by having multiple means of engagement, representation, action and expression. Having numerous different ways to motivate students and present content allows for greater accessibility, as each student can find a learning format that works for them regardless of ability or skill.

I think UDL can be applied in physical and digital classrooms to support diverse learning in similar ways both classroom settings can create flexible lectures, including self-taught, self-paced work, as well as guided assignments from the instructor. This variation makes sure each student resonates with at least one form of lecture.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Katie Novak wrote a fascinating book about UDL called UDL NOW! Which is a guide for teachers to integrate UDL learning into their classroom. The video below shares Novak’s discussion of the key principles to keep students engaged and ensure inclusivity. This video is relevant to our course learning as it helps give contacts to what UDL is and how to implement it in real-life situations. Click Here to watch the video and feel more empowered on how to integrate UDL into your classroom!

Ensuring Accessibility in Online Settings:

Many elements should be in place to make online learning accessible for all students. Some specific tools that can help ensure everyone has equitable access to digital resources include:

  • Closed captioning
  • Text to Speech
  • Recorded Lectures
  • Customizing settings- such as text size, photo size,

I see accessibility playing a role in my learning through the use of recorded lectures. If there’s a day that I am sick and cannot be in class in person are utilize the tool of looking back on lectures that were recorded this allows me to keep up with my peers and not fall behind.

The video below shows how important it is to consider these topics and continue to apply them to all online settings. It affects students just like you and me!

Press this to see the impact accessibility makes


Ethical Challenges of EdTech:

Educational technology has pros and cons. The pros include increased accessibility and different forms of lectures for students including videos, which can be more engaging to students.

However, there are some potential ethical issues related to using edtech in the classroom. Such as cyber security threats, privacy concerns, and increasing students’ screen time.

Educators must balance the benefits of technology with considering the concerns of privacy, data security and equity. They can do this by:

  1. educating students on the importance of protecting themselves and others while online.
  2. This should be a part of each class’s curriculum, setting students up for success online and empowering them to make good choices.

Online Learning has an increased emergence following the pandemic, some institutions have adapted well and they have continued with the online model, yet it still has some issues that must be addressed…

Ethical Considerations in Digital Interactions:

Many ethical considerations arise in digital interactions. In learning and online social environments such as Digital Divide. This is the divide between people who have access to technology and Wi-Fi and the gap between those who don’t have the same access.

We have a responsibility as participants in online communities to support and respect others and be aware of accessibility issues. In the past, I knew a student whose computer broke down and couldn’t afford a new one I was happy to give them my old computer to bridge that gap and support their learning online!

To ensure my digital interactions are respectful inclusive and ethical, I will continue to engage respectfully, and be mindful of the digital divide.

Applying UDL and Accessibility Principles:

I was a competitive dancer for 13 years. A learning environment I was a part of as a student was during COVID-19 our in-person lessons shut down indefinitely. Classes were taught online on Zoom, and we were dancing out of our living rooms.

It addressed the principles of UDL and accessibility well.

By putting dance classes onto Zoom instead of just cancelling them all together it allowed for us students to continue learning remotely. Our dance teachers were very empathetic and gave us a lot of leeway is it was not an easy transition. Classes were recorded for students who weren’t able to attend live. The teachers also made modifications if the studentā€™s living rooms were too small to do the full routine.

Improvements to ensure all learners were supported effectively even further could have included clearer instructions for movements because the screen was so small, sometimes I had to guess what the correct formation and dance positions were (I won’t bore you with the technical dance terms).

Peer Response #2 Matthew



I agree about platforms like Discord or even Reddit! Do you see any challenges in the amount of content being overwhelming or having a hard time navigating real vs misinformation? Ā I wish there was more widespread information on how to have healthy relationships with those platforms. Maybe embedded into the site welcome when you first sign up. I think of Reddit as a learning platform, I find great info on niche or random topics. Ā I enjoyed reading your blog, and I am looking forward to the next one. Ā The video you included about constructivism was a great addition helped piece it all together!


Peer Response #2 Chase

Your reflection shows a great balance of direct learning and collaborative learning. I love your example of the clinical psychology class; I agree! On top of a case study, in a class like psych where real world experience benefits learning, something great to add would be simulation or role-playing circumstances to get practice. For digital learning, do you think thereā€™s a way to combat the feeling of being overwhelmed by information overload? I think having good boundaries with screen time and unfollowing all the ā€œnoiseā€ really helps! I love how visually appealing your post is. I love the chart and key takeaways. I look forward to reading your next blog!


Blog Post #2

What is Pedagogy?Ā

  • The methods and practices of teaching
  • Balance of science and art of educating
  • Considers the needs of students individually

To me, Pedagogy means more than just teaching. It is fostering an environment that meets the needs of students with all sorts of learning styles. An example of how it influenced my learning was with my math teacher. He knew that I had a hard time with numbers, so he got a whiteboard to make it visual and used real-life experiences like grocery shopping. This modification allowed me to thrive and have a chance at succeeding like the rest of my classmates. It influences how I want to teach in the future because it taught me the value of being understood and seen. Instead of him making fun of me or telling me I was bad at math, he simply taught me the same curriculum in a way that made sense to my brain.

What is Networked Pedagogy?

  • A teaching approach that focuses on connection
  • Through digital networks connecting people, ideas, and resources
  • Interconnected learning environment
  • Allows for student engagement and being a part of their own learning journey

Networked Pedagogy in Action:

I think Networked Pedagogy can enhance my learning experience by allowing me to gain knowledge from other perspectives. I believe it is important in your academic career to learn from others’ opinions, life experiences and values ( even if you don’t relate, you can learn a lot!)

An example of how connecting with others online has contributed to my education is my online class last semester. I was put into a random group for a project and met students online to complete our project together. One student I met online was in the same program as me, and we became friends. I connected with her over similar values, and we became study buddies in real life. If it weren’t for the online class, I would have never connected with her.

Technology plays a significant role in fostering these connections because it allows for connecting with others online, and collaborating.

Social Learning Theory:

  • Learning through watching others
  • Shows the value of social interaction and observing others in order to learn themselves

Social Learning Theory Ā in Practice:

Social Learning Theory resonates with me as I’m a visual learner and thrive through observing others.

This theory can be applied to an online learning environment through the use of video-based demonstrations. Although it is an online class, teachers can have Zoom ( or prerecorded ) videos that show examples and “how tos”.

I see this theory shaping my approach to learning because I am a visual learner. I thrive academically when I see someone else share an example instead of needing to rely on written descriptions or memorization. I hope to utilize this knowledge in my teaching in the future with all learning theories to be able to help all types of learners!

See the article attached below for a deep dive into each learning theory:

Learning theories and online learning

The Role of the Instructor

Many qualities are essential for instructors to be effective in a digital space. It might be the studentsā€™ first time doing an online class, so patience for technical difficulties is necessary. It’s important to keep online learning fun and engaging to help students feel connected to their classmates as well as their teacher.

During Covid, I saw firsthand the integration of online learning. Most teachers adapted to the transition; some did not. In the same way we must have patience for students in an online classroom, we must also have patience for instructors. I was in high school during Covid, and I saw that the teachers who were struggling the most to keep students engaged were the ones who simply put the in-person curriculum online. The teachers that succeeded were the ones that were tech savvy and able to integrate all sorts of fun online activities to keep us students engaged.

This is a short video of a teacher in New York posted by Forbes:

This helps us have compassion for the rapid transition instructors endured.

What are Digital Spaces?

Digital spaces are:

  • Environments online where you can interact with others, learn and communicate.
  • An example is social media platforms
  • Digital spaces allow for international connection at any time
Exploring Digital Spaces:

I Ā have experience with digital spaces in the context of both academic and social settings. There are many benefits of learning in digital environments, such as learning from afar and more flexibility with scheduling. There are also negatives to learning in digital environments, such as lacking in-person social connection with peers. Sometimes, people feel more comfortable leaving unkind comments online because they are behind a screen. How I am sure I am contributing positively to the digital communities I’m a part of is by respecting the opinions of others, being mindful that what I post or share won’t upset other users, and creating an environment where others feel heard and understood.

This article is written by many members of the LinkedIn community to help further foster positive support online.,1%20Define%20your%20purpose,tone%20for%20your%20online%20interactions.


Peer Response Post #1 Vicki

It’s so great to hear from a teacherā€™s perspective first-hand. I love how you gave examples for each learning theory. It’s great to hear that you can help struggling students by giving them a different approach to learning such as authentic problems to be able to connect to real-life situations this is something that I hope to do in a teaching setting of making sure that every student learns in the way that best fits their learning style. It’s great to hear that teachers are aware that it’s important not to subscribe to only a single theory of learning, instead, we must consider that everyone learns differently. Also, some students may be better at one subject over another.

I look forward to reading your next blog post


Also, I love your everything soup. I want to try it!

Peer Response Post #1 Percy


Hi Percy,

Nice to hear from you.

I love your use of visual cues to help further explain what you shared in your writing. I love the modes of learning picture; I am a visual learner, so that image stuck with me. Your take on blended learning was great to read about, I agree that it is important for us to consider vulnerable groups and support them. I’m glad that we will be working together this semester. To effect change, we must continue to ask questions on how we can consider accessible learning and diversity every step of the way. It’s great to hear that there are platforms that offer resources to students online. I’ve never heard of OpenStax before.


Cant wait to read your next blog post.



Peer Response Post # 1- Amira

Hi Amira, I love how you included an informative video in your post. Using AI-generated photos is super cool and adds a lot to your post! I appreciate your knowledge of your digital footprint. It is great how you highlight that it could negatively impact future opportunities. Keeping your digital identity polished can also positively affect future opportunities and connect you with like-minded individuals. I enjoyed getting to know a bit more about you, especially because you like to keep your digital identity private! It is nice to see how at the end of your blog, you tie it back to this course and what you can learn. I am also excited to learn more about inclusive learning environments!

Looking forward to your next blog post!


About Me

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I’m Elena, a third-year sociology student at Uvic. I am a full-time student; I also work as a support worker for children on the spectrum. I work with kids who have ADHD, ADD, and ASD, each child’s needs are different, some have high support needs, and others have low su

pport needs. I also help their families in any way I can, making their days a bit easier!


In my free time I love to do yoga, paint, and spend time at the beach. I love using technology in my day to day, at school, work, and for fun. I love my hobbies to take breaks from screen time. Its all about balance!



Photo by alan bajura on Unsplash

I look forward to learning about accessibile learning, and working with classmates in an online setting

Blog Post #1

Hi, my name is Elena, I’m in my third year in Sociology. I previously took another EDCI course and enjoyed it very much. I am looking forward to working with you all this semester.

My understanding of distributed learning is the ability to teach and learn from anywhere. It’s a model that allows for education to happen from any location often via digital use and technology such as a computer. Lessons and lectures can happen either synchronously or asynchronously.

It differs from traditional models because there is no need for one meeting location or a set time such as a classroom and a weekly set schedule. It impacts accessibility because it allows for a larger demographic to be able to access learning. An example would be students who don’t have access to transportation or are physically unable to go in person. It creates more flexibility because students are not expected to be in person, allowing for more time to have a job or pursue extracurriculars.

I think open education can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable learning environment. This is because removing the financial burden and barriers to receiving an education, allows for more people to have the opportunity to learn. Not everyone has the luxury of paying for school and has to rely on an income to survive. By removing this barrier, a more diverse group can receive an education making it more accessible.

Face-to-face learning, online, and blended.

As a full-time student with a job, I personally prefer blended learning. I enjoy lectures being online, and available at any time. This gives me more flexibility with my work schedule making time for both work and education.Ā Ā  Instead of strictly online classes, I enjoy doing blended learning as I love connecting with others in person. I’ve had classes where lectures are online, and the in-person meetings are for group discussions or group activities. This helps foster human connection between peers and build and maintain friendships with like-minded people, this positively affects my success and engagement as a learner. Covid made doing most things online more socially acceptable. Within the school system and in other areas of life such as doctor appointments. It created a new norm of work-from-home lifestyles or learning from afar, search is strictly online university. I feel as a society we are slowly integrating back into real-life meetings. It’s nice that we have the luxury of doing online learning when it is necessary, but I believe it’s also important to do as much in person as we can, with exceptions of course.

My understanding of digital literacy is knowing how to navigate the digital world confidently and responsibly. It is important in open and distributed learning settings because this learning model relies on technology so having the tools to be able to succeed is a priority in making it accessible to all. An example of how digital literacy impacts my learning experience is this class! To post this blog, I had to have a BrightSpace account and access this class syllabus. Then follow the appropriate steps to create the blog and finally post on it. For me to succeed in this class and be able to hand in assignments I needed digital literacy

I manage my online presence by keeping my social media platforms private and not sharing my password. Choosing when I include my full name or personal information such as my phone number or a photo of me. What you post online will be there forever it is important to be aware of your digital footprint. My digital identity allows me to connect with like-minded people. An example of this would be LinkedIn, my account is very professional and includes an appropriate headshot of me, as well as my updated resume. Posting on this site and being aware of the importance of my digital footprint allows me to find a potential job as well as connect with like-minded individuals.

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