Hi! Welcome to my blog. I’m Elena, a third-year sociology student at Uvic. I am a full-time student; I also work as a support worker for children on the spectrum. I work with kids who have ADHD, ADD, and ASD, each child’s needs are different, some have high support needs, and others have low su

Photo by Carl Barcelo on Unsplash
pport needs. I also help their families in any way I can, making their days a bit easier!
In my free time I love to do yoga, paint, and spend time at the beach. I love using technology in my day to day, at school, work, and for fun. I love my hobbies to take breaks from screen time. Its all about balance!

Photo by alan bajura on Unsplash

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash
I look forward to learning about accessibile learning, and working with classmates in an online setting